Servicing the Wide Bay Region (07) 4151 6255

About Us

Wide Bay Anaesthesia Specialists was established in 2014. The anaesthetists involved in its establishment wanted to create an anaesthetic service that not only meets the needs of the local community now but well into the future. All anaesthetists that work in the group are fellows of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. They strive to provide best care possible to the patients of the Wide Bay region and patients can be comfortable that they are receiving a level of care that would be expected in any major metropolitan centre.

While each anaesthetists works as an individual the relationship with the group via an associateship allows us to provide a higher level of service than each one individual could provide by themselves.

We certainly hope you appreciate the hard work we put in to make your experience in hospital as comfortable as possible. We are always striving to improve our service and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Want to know more about us? Please get in touch.

Member of Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Member of Australian Society of Anaesthetics

Wide Bay Anaesthesia Specialists     Main Practice

P (07) 4151 6255 F (07) 4151 4961
Suite #107, Level 1,
The Friendlies Medical Suites,
70 – 72 Crofton street
Bundaberg QLD 4670