Servicing the Wide Bay Region (07) 4151 6255

Medical Education & Hospital Quality Assurance

Hospital Quality Assurance

Group members are involved in a variety of management committees at the hospitals that we service. These include not only providing management advice on anaesthesia services but also involvement in numerous hospital, medical, and quality assurance committees.

Medical Education

The anaesthetists from Wide Bay Anaesthesia believe education is vital in improving patient care. They are actively involved in educating nurses, junior doctors and both medical and nursing students. They also aim to run regular education sessions for all the anaesthetists in the region covering advances in anaesthetic care to ensure the patients of the Wide Bay are continuing to receive world-class care.

Member of Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Member of Australian Society of Anaesthetics

Wide Bay Anaesthesia Specialists     Main Practice

P (07) 4151 6255 F (07) 4151 4961
Suite #107, Level 1,
The Friendlies Medical Suites,
70 – 72 Crofton street
Bundaberg QLD 4670